Westminster Village Foundation
The Westminster Cracker Festival is the main event hosted by the Westminster Village Foundation every year. It’s been called a homecoming event, with people making a pilgrimage from all over the country to visit Westminster the 3rd Saturday each October.
Our Mission
Westminster Village Foundation’s goal is to attract visitors to discover and experience our beautiful town. The vitality of a community is built on the foundation of a vibrant downtown where residents come together to interact and trade locally. To further that belief, money raised will be used for the benefit of the community.
Completed & Ongoing Projects
Replaced Welcome to Westminster sign
Installed and maintain flower beds in the center of town including the Bruce Vincent Memorial Garden & granite plaque
Professionally installed Holiday lights illuminating downtown businesses
Annual $1,000 scholarship awarded to an Oakmont Senior
Collaborated with Oakmont Art Department to design and paint dog statues which are raffled off festival day, with half the proceeds benefiting the Oakmont Art Department
Organize and host the annual Westminster Cracker Festival
Installed permanent electricity at festival grounds
$5,000 donation to Neighbors Helping Neighbors in 2021 for COVID relief
Produced a 30 minute Documentary on the history of the festival with a tribute to Marcus Moran, Jr.
Helped fund wayfaring signs throughout downtown
End of Summer Concert on Academy Hill each August
Westminster Dog Show 2021-2022
Meet the Team
Our Committee makes everything happen at the Cracker Festival and
helps the Westminster Village Foundation achieve its mission.
Festival Facts
Are you a Cracker Festival expert or a newbie? Test your knowledge with these fun facts!
— The year of the first Cracker Festival
Gardner, MA
— Home Garlock Printing & Converting, where each Westminster Cracker package is printed
Rutland, VT
— Current manufacturing location of Westminster Crackers
— Approximate number of yearly festival attendees
2024 Festival Sponsors
The Cracker Festival is made possible by our generous sponsors.
Westminster Bakers Co.
IC Federal Credit Union
Batallas Electric
Wachusett Brewing Company
Fitchburg Welding
Aubuchon Hardware
Wachusett Mountain Ski Area
Dion Roofing
Serio Realty Company
Westminster Pharmacy
E.J. Wyson Trucking
Salvadore Auto Group
Westminster Family Practice
Central Mass Tree, Inc.
The Normandin Group